How do I navigate back to other wallets?
I have tired using setting on the top right corner to navigate to ETH and BTC. Since this wallet is not yet released, I couldn't switch too other wallets to test them out.
Is there documentation for the Javvy app?
Selected create Eth Wallet and them program appears to have locked up. Waited 10 minutes then killed it.
How do I use the TESTNET faucets?
If you want to test the Javvy wallet without risking REAL crypto, then we have just the thing for you!
Download the TESTNET version of the app and request TESTNET crypto from the following faucets:
https://testnet.manu.backend.hamburg/faucet (for Bitcoin, verified working: 04.14.2018)
http://faucet.ropsten.be:3001/ (for Ethereum, verified working: 04.14.2018)
Once there, you copy/paste your RECEIVE wallet address into the respective faucet and request some FREE TESTNET crypto! After a few minutes (give it time, because the faucets are SLOOOOW!), the coins should arrive in your wallet. To test sending, you would just copy/paste their wallet address into the SEND tab of the Javvy wallet
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