
Crash on logg in v.2495 (windows seven)


yesterday i install V1.0.0 --> i sugn up with, but many bug...

today i install the https://javvy.com/download/2495/ and when i logg in :  it crash

windows (french) message :

Signature du problème :
Nom d’événement de problème: CLR20r3
Signature du problème 01: Javvy - styled.exe
Signature du problème 02:
Signature du problème 03: 5b51cbfd
Signature du problème 04: Javvy - styled
Signature du problème 05:
Signature du problème 06: 5b51cbfd
Signature du problème 07: 81
Signature du problème 08: d
Signature du problème 09: System.IO.FileLoadException
Version du système: 6.1.7601.
Identificateur de paramètres régionaux: 1036
Information supplémentaire n° 1: 1979
Information supplémentaire n° 2: 19794ff7a9ec6bb68a482ce7e38c0e6b
Information supplémentaire n° 3: a866
Information supplémentaire n° 4: a8663b5c511fa11e2291118afdadfd34

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2 replies

Hello! Apologies for the extreme delay. I just realized we had posts in the moderation queue in our new helpdesk. The Windows version was cited as the least used version, so updates for Windows have been postponed until after the mobile (iOS and Android) versions were confirmed as working (which were released 48 hours ago; 3 weeks behind schedule). Now, our apps dev team are actively working on Windows update. Please hang in there and stay tuned. We'll update soon.


Just a quick update.  There has been a lot of progress made on all OS versions including Windows.  The windows version still shows as the least used as as such has not received the attention of the mobile versions but upgrading to the most recent version will resolved this issue.  Stay tuned for awesome new features and functionality coming soon.

Best Regards,
